Vedic Astrology, Quantum Physics, and the Simulation Theory: A Triad of Reality

Vijay Jyotish


Time, in essence, is not real; it is an illusion that exists solely within our minds. Its flow varies between our waking and sleeping states. In sleep, dreams present themselves as real, altering our perception of time. Within a single night, we may experience entire days or multiple dreams, all of which feel genuine until we awaken. Similarly, our waking state could be viewed as another form of dreaming where experiences and the passage of time seem authentic until the light of enlightenment is revealed. Moreover, time behaves differently under specific conditions, such as slowing down or nearly halting near and within black holes. What is ultimately real cannot be contingent upon external factors. Thus, time is merely an illusion.

Since time is not real, our Vedic scriptures are referring to our perception of time and characterizing time as not linear but cyclic, hinting at an inherent predictability. This perspective aligns with the contemporary concept known as Simulation Theory, which proposes that our reality or this universe or the flow of space-time might be a meticulously ordered simulation created by a higher power. Esteemed figures like Elon Musk and Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson have explored this theory, which in my view also ties into the realm of Vedic Astrology. If we are indeed living in a simulation, then theoretically, past/present/future events should be predictable, a notion supported by Vedic Astrology. Moreover, there is the possibility of multiple universes existing simultaneously, with the Creator or Source being omnipresent across these multiverses. In this context, we can view ourselves as characters or expressions of this primordial source within the multiverse.

Our perceived free will in this simulation is limited to: (1) recognizing the nature of our simulated existence, (2) enhancing our experience within the permissible boundaries of the simulation, and (3) discovering the means to transcend this simulation and return to the Source, described in the Vedic scriptures as ‘Brahman’ — the essence of all, or ‘that which is not.’ Thus, within this simulation, we are manifestations of the Source that resides within us, irrespective of our depth in the simulation. This concept parallels Quantum Physics, where all existence is viewed as an excitation of the foundational Quantum Field. Achieving Self-Realization (Mokshā), is about understanding and experiencing this truth. This is the ultimate goal in human life, as it is only through human existence that such awareness is attainable.

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